Hi everyone!! Almost the weekend, phew!!! Hope you have some fun plans!

Just in case any of you have noticed, my Twitter account seems to be having some (I hope) technical difficulties. The error message says I’ve been suspended for suspicious activities (that, unless sleepwalking which I’m not prone to do, I can vehemently and honestly deny)… I’m looking into it and hoping to get this rectified soon.

I’ll let you know if I need any help from you convincing the guys over at Twitter to reinstate me, or if I have to open a new account or what as soon as I can. Watch this space for news!!

In the meantime, I’ve been interviewed by Blogger Interviewer Murray Newlands about my blogging and online activities, so check it out.

And you’ll even find a good laugh in there when you get to the end. I won’t spoil the surprise but lets just say this post being published TODAY is VERY coincidental with the timing of my Twitter suspension.

Enjoy the giggle. To me, its funny in a sad way!

Girlwithnoname’s Interview with Murray Newlands

*Late additional note: okay everyone, tragedy averted!! Twitter only suspended my account cuz google was reading something in my website addy as dangerous, so they checked it out, all came back clean and I’m now reinstated …

… may I just say WHEW!! I was freaking OUT!! LOL

Weekend almost here!!! Have a great one you guys!! Now that my Twitter is back, I know I’m gonna for SURE!

See ya all soon.