Ok, I have come to the undeniable conclusion that I actually AM insane…

Today is a cardio day… and its somewhere close to 100 degrees out in the noon-time blazing sun. Did I bail because of the heat? Nope. I went running… because I’m nuts …

… and in the process I reacquainted myself with what having an ‘inner dialogue’ about working out feels and sounds like!!

Sorry about the dark video quality… I didn’t realize when I turned around that I’d effectively put myself into a shadow.

So much for blogging with the view behind me, eh? Rats.

Let me take this opportunity to hammer home what I’m trying to say here, because it’s IMPORTANT!!!

If you are working out in similar conditions, where its super-duper hot out, please make sure you’ve got water, shade, a hat… whatever it takes to help you get through it without suffering heat exhaustion … and if you feel faint, STOP!!!!

In other words, don’t do what I did today and just run near grass ‘in case’ you faint… that’s not safe.

Yah, I deserve a smack for not being safe today.

Here’s today’s Workout Song of the Day!!

As usual, I’m trying to be clever and keep today’s song in keeping with the theme of today’s post.

Yep, the title of this song is exactly how I felt while I was on my run today. That has definitely got to be what “Walking on the Sun” feels like, I swear!!


Oh, and its also great for cardio… with it’s hard-driving beat to keep driving you forward!!

SMASH MOUTH – Walking on the Sun

That’s it for today. I think I’ll go lie in a bathtub full of ice now! HAHA! … kidding … you guys know I love this heat!!

See you soon!!