
I’ve been gone a while, eh?


Truth is, I’m buried under trying to get my book finished and I’ve only got so many hours in the day. Something had to give.

I’ll try to check in here more often in the future…

But, the good news is, the book is coming along quite nicely. The writing is done. The pictures are done. The editing is done. I’m just in the formatting stages now. Woo hoo!! Don

But I digress…

What do you do for YOUR workouts?

Do you LOVE it?

Or do you HATE it?

If you HATE it, how long do you think you’ll actually stick with it?

Cuz let me tell you, if I was doing something I hated, I wouldn’t stick with it either.

Here’s what I mean:

So, stop torturing yourself!!

Ditch the stuff you hate and dread, cuz let’s admit it: you’re gonna eventually anyway!

Find something you can look forward to and LOVE and you’ll be far more likely to stick with it and be a success!

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Secrets of Fitness Models