Thanks to Summer for refusing to come here in Vancouver.

My hopes for a beach day were dashed by clouds and cooler temperatures (STILL!)…

sigh …

I had a little extra time on my hands today. Seemed like the perfect time to get back to one of my long lost loves: POWERWALKING.

So, I hit the seawall today for a good, long and energetic powerwalk.

I don’t have time for it as much these days, cuz it takes a little more time to get a decent amount of work done than a good hard run or a HIIT session.


No matter what anyone else out there tells you, powerwalking is a GREAT way to get in shape, a great way to burn fat and a great workout.

Sure, it’s been dubbed ‘long slow boring’ cardio by some of the fitness gurus out there … but if you’ve got a place like I’ve got to walk, how boring is it REALLY?

Not very.

And boring or NOT, it’s a great way to burn calories and get your cardiovascular system worked out.

Just make sure you WORK at it… no “strolling”, ya hear? Stanley Park Seawall Vancouver

Anyway, I decided to take the camera and have you along for a little walking tour while I was out there so I could show you how the Vancouver Parks Board and City Hall did on the repairs they started way back last Autumn and promised to have finished by February …

Were they finished by February?

No. Of course not. This is Vancouver we’re talking about here. Nothing ever gets done on time, or on budget.

They only just reopened the last section on my running path a couple of weeks ago.


And as far as I can see, the engineers weren’t thinking with their brains when they designed this new seawall… cuz come Autumn, there’s gonna be a mess and they’ll all be slapping their foreheads.

I could have done a better job of figuring this out. A FOUR YEAR OLD could have figured THIS one out.

It’s not ROCKET SCIENCE, for pete’s sakes!!

Anyway, like I said… I took the cam … and I vented my ire a little.

Check it out!

And, of course I capped off my powerwalk with a little bout of pull-ups on that shower contraption I keep talking about.

How’m I doing? Gettin’ better, eh?

I’m not swinging my body quite as much as I was a few months ago -> My Pull-ups Last November

… and I got one more rep out of me than I did last time!!! Hee Hee!!

It’s coming… this is a hard exercise to progress, but it’s COMING!

Anyway, ENGINEERS!! Any out there? If so, am I right? Did they screw this seawall thing up? Or am I missing something here? Leave us a comment.

Okay, that’s all the b*tching I’ve got in me today!! LOL

Time to get back to work on the website and graphics for my upcoming book! WEBSITES!! GAH! Technology will be the death of me yet, I swear.

But I digress.

See ya again soon!

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

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