Hey gang!! Welcome to a brand new week.

As promised, let’s continue our discussion from last post “Too Many Muscles“.

This is the general consensus of that last poll about whether or not guys (who don’t do steroids) can get TOO BIG with their weight-training efforts:Muscles Too Big

YES, guys CAN get “too big”!

“Bigger” does NOT always mean “Better”.

But, okay then …

If we’re all out there working out like mad trying to build muscle, then what the heck ARE we doing this for?

This is my question today:

So? What does “Proper Proportion” look like to you?Ideal Male Physique

Ladies: What are you attracted to in a guy’s physique, proportionately?

Men: What are you striving for, proportionately, in your own weight-training efforts? (Or have you never actually given it any thought?)

Please put your comments in the box below and let’s decipher this one, once and for all, shall we?

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.