You’ve been working hard lately, watching what you eat, getting some hard workouts in, seeing some results?

Feeling good about it all? You should be!

Then, perhaps a little set-back happens … a muscle tweak, a personal-life issue, whatever … and it takes all the wind out of your sails?Junk Food Addiction

De-motivating. Frustrating. What’s the damned use? Screw it.


Stuff like that can really screw with your head, can’t it?

Hey, we’ve all been there.

And one of my very good friends and owner of one of my VERY favourite fitness blogs has also been there. Recently.

But, she knows how to get her head back on straight.

This girl is “Raging Her Way Thin” …

You’ll see:


Well Then, It’s Off To The Glue Factory
by Michelle Poston Combs from “Rage Your Way Thin

I am not your typical fitness blogger. Actually, I would say that I’m NOT a fitness blogger at all. I’m just a girl who is working very hard to get fit.

Very often, working in spite of myself.

Please understand, I am in NO WAY disparaging myself. Not at all. But I am not the picture of health. Not yet at least. My muscles don’t pop, they still have somewhat of a protective coating.

You know, the kind of coating you get from eating processed foods and leading a sedentary life for WAAAAAAY too many years.

On the other hand, I have shrunk a few sizes. It feels good to not shop at the fat girl store anymore.

And I like the look of my face. I can almost see what I’m supposed to look like. I can see me from twenty years ago. She is nearly back.

Sure, perhaps a few wrinkles, but still … I’m holding up very well.

Until the past three weeks.

I’ve had a few health issues that I’m still working through. One of these issues is some lower back pain. I’ve been afraid to lift weights. And the back pain is causing some weird numbness in my legs and walking is not comfortable. Running is right out.

What does this mean? Well obviously it means it’s all ruined.

Poor poor me. I spent the past year working my ass off. Well … not OFF, but it has shrunk. I can walk past tables without knocking shit off. That might not seem like a huge accomplishment to many of you, but I also know that some of you know EXACTLY what I mean.

Once the exercise stopped, the bad eating habits jumped right up and reported for duty.

Junk Food Addiction

They were just waiting for their moment. The bastards. It starts small. You know? What’s the harm in a little pastry with your coffee. C’mon … everything hurts, it’ll make you feel better.

Well then, you KNOW the pastry has friends. Bread, Ice cream, warm cookies that are ALMOST as good as orgasms. And they were GOOD.

But how good?

In three weeks, I have gone from having energy like I haven’t seen for 20 years to feeling like a broken down old woman. I can already see a difference in my skin. My boobs hurt. I’m not sleeping well. The crankiness is PROFOUND. Worse, I can feel that dull ache of depression just trying to work it’s way in to my psyche.

See what I mean? It’s all ruined; time for me to head out to pasture.

I did really good, but it just didn’t work out for me. Might as well give up. Perhaps learn how to work those mobility carts in the grocery store.

Or, I can do this:

I can finish writing this down and then I can go down and elliptisuck until I’m all sweaty. I can do a few wall squats. I can do some shoulder work.

We are all in different places. Some of us are still pretty far from our goal. Sometimes, we suffer set backs.

How do you want to deal with it? Give up? Drag your big bad self off to the glue factory?

HELL no! We are better than that. We are ALL better than that.

Shit is going to happen. Giving up is not an option. You have to make SURE of this. Giving up is NOT an option.

Trust me, I’m the biggest wussy on the planet. I’ve been listening to my own negative self talk for DECADES. If I can overcome this, I promise you, so can you.

Now, I’m going to go sweat. You get off your ass, too. And put down the donut.


HAHA!! Let us have it!! Thanks Michelle for giving it to us straight. That kicked ass, and you kick ass.

And, you’ve really helped us see how to get our heads back on straight after a set-back.

Hell, we’re NOT alone. And that’s a comfort.

Now gang, go do yourself one more HUGE favour, and get over to Rage Your Way Thin and check out Michelle’s blog. You’ll love it, and HER as much as I do.

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Get A Flat Stomach