HEAVY SIGH. These construction guys are going to be the death of me (or the end of my sanity, anyway).

They keep telling me “one more week, we’ll be off your corner in a week, give us one more week, we promise we’ll be done“…

… and every week, once that week has passed, they chant the mantra again: “one more week, we’ll be off your corner in a week, give us one more week, we promise we’ll be done

I’m about ready to throttle the foreman for not just giving it to us straight and making me plan to have my life back every damned week for nothing.

So, my point is: I’m still surrounded by heavy machinery making tons of noise all day long.

Which means I’m taking this moment to shout out a special THANKS to all my guest posters for helping me out during this VERY trying time when I’m unable to produce videos for you (cue another ‘heavy sigh’ …).

But the GOOD NEWS is that today we’ve got some SERIOUS inspiration (and a few giggles along the way) from my friend Anika Kinch as she shares her personal fitness journey …

Take it away Anika …

My Journey From Pain To Gain

Life threatening diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, though sometimes genetically predisposed, can almost always be avoided by choosing the healthier option.

So, why is it that so many of us choose, in a sense to die, rather than live?


Let’s face it; once you’ve made that decision to start exercising, especially after a somewhat sedentary lifestyle, it HURTS.

Exercise machines such as treadmills, elliptical machines and rowing machines are designed to use muscles not normally engaged when dragging yourself up from the couch and walking to the refrigerator to get yet another chocolate bar.

In most painful situations, for example if you burn your finger, the body’s natural reflexive response is to pull away. It makes sense, because otherwise, you might be left without a finger!

When we think about the reaction of some people to exercising, the motivation is not there for this reason, it hurts.

No pain, no gain

As a former sedentary myself, this is the mantra I often chanted in my head.

A long future ahead (because, I would not die of some disease associated with my unhealthy lifestyle), a hot body and having enough energy to chase my toddler son around, were my motivation, my gains through which I was to endure this pain. Get Fit With Your Kids

I have never been a big fan of gyms, the large mirrors which were a constant reminder of how far away from the “hot bod” I so dreamed of having, the leering “gym gorillas” (as my Dad calls the top heavy men who live in the gym), and the blaring televisions pelting out the most current dance tunes, enough to drive you batty.

I am no fitness expert, and Girlwithnoname can confirm, but it does not have to be THIS painful.

Stay at home

So I threw in the towel.

After a few weeks, my gym sessions were becoming sporadic. I was paying to go to this place that I hated, which meant time away from my son, after which I would come back on edge and cranky. I decided I would stay at home.

My days now varied, from some days a 30 minute run, a Zumba DVD and lots of days playing football or catch with my son in the park. I started to feel so much better, happier, lighter (some of those extra pounds started to melt away).

I stopped buying chocolate and any junk food for that matter, as I was making the excuse that I was buying it for my son, but really, what kind of start to life was I providing him with anyway?

Adjust to your needs

The gym was not for me, but I’m sure it is for some people as it provides a structure if you’re finding it difficult to create that structure for yourself.

I’m still working towards my ideal figure, so intend to get some professional advice on this, but thinking that some weight training will get rid of those lingering pockets of cellulite that just will not go away! Setting up a home gym in a shed in my backyard is on the horizon.

My journey from pain to gain continues. Though I must say, that as time has gone on, there has been a lot less pain and a lot more gain (not to mention the exhilarating feeling that I have just after a brisk run).

Wow! Thanks Anika… that really is such a special story. I can’t believe you’re gonna build a shed in the backyard as a workout space! What a GREAT idea, and one I never thought of myself.

Thanks again for sharing your perspective and your story. Very inspiring and motivating, indeed!

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

ps. If home workouts are YOUR thing, I have you handled right here: How to Get Hot … at HOME