Ok, so off we go…

Sergio and I took a taxi after the other ladies staying in my hotel & nearby decided they didn’t want to take the extra time to go pick him up in the limo they’d hired for the evening. Thanks to them for considering having me along at all, very sweet. They were concerned about getting there on time and left at 515pm (dinner was to start at 545pm).

So, after having rushed like mad to get to the limo without making the ladies wait too long for me, and then letting it go without me when they said they wouldn’t take the extra time to pick up Sergio (I wasn’t about to leave him standing on some street corner), I relaxed, got myself pulled together properly and hopped in a taxi.

We left his office at about 545pm and got there at pretty much the same time as the limo!! Hurray for Sergio for knowing his way around that town better than the ladies’ limo driver did…It only took us about 15 minutes to get there. Anyway, we weren’t even late, it was only just beginning when we got there.

Here’s a quick clip. I knew it wasn’t working out visually so its mostly just audio… but still fun stuff:

And then we hop across the street to the Galapagos Art Space where we got settled and I thought it would be a fun idea to get into the back hallway to do a little vlogging… and rats, the visuals suck again, but what can ya do when you vlog on the fly, eh? :-)

… and just for fun, here’s a little drinking game for you guys… count how many times in all these videos that I say I think my date Sergio is an awesome guy!!

Every time I mention it, you have to take a drink!! You’ll be hammered in no time!! LOL!! Gee, do you guys think I kinda liked him?

Serious props go out to my friend Cameron for setting us up … how’d you know we’d get along so well anyway?

Anyway, we had a lot of fun, and he IS a super nice guy! Let me know how many times I mention it in the past and next videos cuz I lost count and I’m kinda curious!! haw haw haw!!

Lots more to come!