Hey everyone… Happy Friday!! WooHoo!! A lovely Summer Weekend coming up!! Can’t wait.

Ok, so we’re back at the pushups again.

Remember I demo’d my pushups in a post several months ago, and found out upon watching my own video that my form basically SUCKED?? I asked you guys for a few tips in a subsequent video and have been working on correcting my pushup form ever since.

I posted another attempt at perfect pushup form a couple of months later only to have you guys smack me down again with more tips and things to change in my quest for proper form.

So, I’ve been practicing ever since.

I also mentioned in the past videos how it takes 500 reps of a move to learn it, BUT if you learn incorrect form it takes 5,000 reps to RELEARN it correctly… good lord, I was skeptical about that figure at first, but I’m telling you guys its taking me some serious concentration when I do push-ups now to get it right. I’m coming along nicely tho.

Here’s my latest demo. You tell me. Am I getting better? (please say yes!! LOL)

So, what do you think? Better?

I’d love to hear from every one of you who have commented on any of my past pushup demo videos ok?

Seriously… I’m looking for some props this time, not so much more slap-downs!! My ego needs the stroke!! hahahaaa!!! (ok joking aside, I don’t necessarily need the props, I want your HONEST opinions please!! We’re all here to learn and motivate, and that includes me!)

Finally, just wanted to include this relevant post from the past: pushups vs. chest press

… after you guys all slapped me down for my form on push-ups I decided to ask for help with my form on chest press as well because they are such similar moves, but it turns out I was doing that pretty much ok! haha!!

I’ve tweaked a few things since but not much. At the moment I’m just trying to get those darn 35lb dumbbells up for 4 sets x 7 reps.

Not easy.

I’ve been working those dumbbells with flat bench flyes, too. ACK!!

I’ll get there, I swear.

I might even demo it again once I can get all my reps up with good form!

… and just for fun, today’s workout song of the day ties into the whole bad form thing (well, sorta… Joan Jett might not care about HER bad reputation, but I care about mine!! Ok, well really I care about my bad FORM more than my bad ‘reputation’)…

Anyway, enjoy!! Its a great song for lifting cuz she’s just angry and angsty and I love the energy.


That’s it for today!! Have a GREAT weekend and we’ll see ya again very soon!!