Hi everyone!

Special treat today.

You guys remember my favourite beach pal Rod, right?

I managed to rope him into an impromptu interview on the beach today.

While we were chatting the other day, Rod reminded me that he used to be a triathlete!!! So, of course I immediately wanted to pick his brain about it on camera!!

One small note before you get watching: Sorry for the low audio quality. The camera wasn’t loving the small breeze so in my attempts to shelter the mic from the wind noise, I managed to block quite a bit of stuff that was taken from any distance from the camera. Crank your speakers and you’ll probably have to lean in to hear what Rod has to say!! Still worth it though.

I don’t know how anyone does Triathlons … I mean really, those babies are physically taxing in a HUGE way!! If you’re fit enough to get through a Triathlon like Rod has (and win medals in the process like Rod ALSO has), you gotta know you’re in some kick-ass shape, right?

Here it is:

… and here’s today’s Workout Song of the Day. This post is all about Rod and he tells me this is HIS favourite workout song.

So here ya go! Enjoy!

Heart – Barracuda

Remember, if you love it like Rod does get your own copy from Amazon by clicking on the Buy button in the player widget. Easy as pie!

That’s it for today gang!! See ya again soon!