Happy Friday. A long weekend is upon us!!! Well, it is if you’re lucky enough to live in Canada like I am!! hee hee

Anyway, now that I’m done gloating about my extra day off, let’s get down to fitness, shall we?

It’s about high time I tried TRX Suspension Training, don’t you think?

Well, after my once-in-a-while-special-trip-to-an-actual-gym training buddy Jeff told me he tried a class the other day and it beat him so bad he had to leave our training session early, I was suddenly VERY interested in trying the darn thing out (as you know, I love it when I can find new and improved ways to make it ‘hurt so good’).

So, off I traipsed to the gym (gasp) AGAIN, to try this newfangled piece of equipment out.TRX Training

Yah. Umm…


Note to self: Never try out a new piece of equipment in a hardcore class when you’re still recovering from a nasty case of the DOMS from yesterday’s training! Oops!

Here’s more on the subject:

Conclusion? I’ll be getting myself one of these babies asap.

Vancouver In-Home PT Clients beware. You’ll be enjoying my investment soon as well!! LOLTRX Outdoors

I’ve also noticed they’re a kick-ass way to get an awesome workout in the great outdoors, too.

You don’t have to lug any heavy equipment along with you. These things are light as a feather, while still so strong they can support anyone’s bodyweight no problem. The instructor even swung on his during our class today.

All you need is somewhere to anchor it up high (like in the picture where they’re using what looks to me to be some monkey bars in the park) and you’re good to go!!!

If you’re into training at home or outdoors … or even at your office or on the road in your hotel room, I highly recommend you grab one. It’s a great way to intensify with minimal equipment and / or in a small space.

So, if you’re suddenly intrigued about the TRX Suspension Training System too (and you should be), you can head over to their site to order yourself one online. No fuss or muss trying to find one in a store near you. This is waaaaay easier:

Get TRX Suspension Training Here

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.