Clouds today. Again.

Yep, STILL no Summer in Vancouver.

Am I letting it get me down?

Yah… a little. I admit it.

Summer is my season and I’m really missing my yearly bout of running to the beach and back (and running ON the beach), swimming in the ocean and enjoying a little laziness lying around in the hot sunshine (after my daily workout always, just to be clear).

And while it’s been far too cloudy to bother going to the beach, it’s also been flat out WAY too cold to bother trying to swim in the ocean.Cat Swimming

Yah, I feel like I’m being RIPPED OFF this year.

However, I had a little unexpected treat today!

Today was a pre-scheduled cardio day and Timed Intervals were on the agenda.

So I grabbed my handy dandy little Gymboss Interval Timer and together we hit the road (errr… the Seawall) for a good hard bout of HIIT (high intensity interval training).

And as I ran, I had a vision and inspiration hit me…

Always keep your eyes peeled for an opportunity to do something FUN that will get your body MOVING!!!

Listen, the REAL secret to getting fit and STAYING THAT WAY is to find things you LOVE to do that keep you movingand then GO DO ITREGULARLY!

And it won’t be the same thing for everybody… what YOU love to do might be something someone else HATES to do.

So, don’t use others as your benchmark, just go find the thing YOU love and get on with it …

Kitty In Pool

Love to swim? Go do it.

Love to play soccer? Go… Do… It…

Love to play catch with your kids? GO!! DO!! IT!!

Find something that makes you move that you LOVE to do, and just go do it for pete’s sakes …

And never stop looking for NEW ways to get out there, get moving and have fun with it !!!

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Get Gymboss