Jackie Wearing Shorts

Yep, it’s true.

I’m writing a book.

Yep. It’s a fitness book.

This one is gonna be a little different though. I’m going to write a TELL-ALL about how I personally did it.

How did I go from a miserable, overweight, out of shape smoker who couldn’t run across a street to catch a light without coughing up a lung to the healthy, fit, happy person totally committed to a fitness lifestyle that you see before you today?Jackie

I’m gonna spill my guts … !!

How I turned my mind-set around.

How I got my body in shape.

What workouts I did. What sets, what reps, what abdominal and core work, what cardio.

How I got my nutrition in order. What I ate, how I ate, when I ate.

And I did it all without ever stepping foot into a commercial gym. How the hell did I do THAT?

Yep, I’m gonna tell you that, too.

But I need your help.

Am I overlooking anything?

Listen, I was over the age of 40 when I did all this for myself. And I know that you can do it, too.

Hey, if I did it ANYONE can do it. You just gotta know HOW to do it.

I figured it out through constant learning, repeated trial and error, testing and discarding what didn’t work and keeping what worked best. Jackie in a Bikini at the Pool

Hell, I used myself as a human guinea pig until I got it exactly right.

And I consider it my DUTY to share this knowledge with YOU.

But, I don’t want to forget or overlook anything that might be important to you.

So, what do YOU want me to include that I might be overlooking?

Tell me what you want to hear and if I haven’t already planned to include it, I will do my best to get it in there (and as long as it’s on topic … let’s keep my childhood, personal life and what car I drive out of this, ok?).

Keep your request about my fitness journey and I’ll definitely do my best to include it. That’s a fair deal, isn’t it?

So, now it’s your turn to do the posting. Shoot me a comment in the box below and tell me what you want to hear.

And thanks for all your help.

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Kill Cravings