I saw something the other day.

It was something that pleased me.

It had to do with those crazy little rip-off contraptions known as “Ab Cradles” (I think they’re also known as Ab Rockers …)Ab Cradle

Now WHAT about an Ab Cradle could possibly ‘please’ me?

The fact that people are actually finding a real world and practical USE for the darned things, which are practically useless for what they’re being marketed for.

So, if they’re not useful as an abdominal-fat spot-reducer (which is what the marketers would have you believe), what exactly ARE they useful for?

HA HA! So if you happen to have a stability ball that won’t stay put, by all means… get yourself an Ab Cradle. That’ll solve the problem!

In the meantime, if you want to work your abs, remember this: the ability to “spot-reduce” is a MYTH.

To see your abs you MUST get the fat off your body OVERALL. No amount of crazy ab work is gonna spot reduce only your abdominal region.

Now if you want to work those abs so that they’re beautiful and toned once the fat IS off, then do full-body compound moves like Deadlifts, Squat Presses and Burpees that engage your core while they work your whole body hard.

Now THAT’s the way to get a six pack!

If you’re looking to invest in some home equipment that will help get you there, a great piece that WILL work your full body AND core at the same time is a TRX.TRX Training

Suspension Training is a great full body workout that promotes lots of stability, balance and core engagement.

It’s easy to install and tucks away in the tiniest of drawers when not in use.

For home workouts, a TRX is probably the most efficient and space saving way there is to get ‘er done.

Find out more about TRX here ==> TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Kill Cravings