I’ve decided to go against one of my own personal beliefs, just for now and just as an experiment

Yes, dear friend, I’m about to start taking a … (wait for it) …

What Krill Look Like


*GASP* <-- I know!

Ordinarily, I don’t ‘do’ supplements.

I don’t believe in them.

I believe in eating like a caveman, and not relying on pills and powders as ‘fix-alls’ or replacements for good nutrition.

I don’t personally believe that our bodies were designed to live on processed ANYTHING and we may be doing more harm than good by forcing our bodies to extract nutrition from processed stuff it sees as foreign, instead of giving it what it recognizes, and what nature intended: whole, natural items like properly-raised meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, and seafood, as well as pesticide-free and GMO-free veggies, fruit, nuts, and yes even grains … in other words: FOOD !

Lacking a certain nutrient in your diet? Instead of taking some bottle full of processed whatever, go get some food that contains it and EAT IT.

But I’ve got a few reasons, and I’ve heard some great things about this one …

… plus, I can’t get the stuff that’s in this specific supplement through my regular nutrition.

If you read the subject of this post then you’ve already guessed what I’m talking about.

Yes, it’s Krill Oil.

Some of the benefits I’m reading about and hearing about include:

~ Helps reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, and raise HDL (good) cholesterol
~ Lowers blood sugar levels
~ Reduces arthritic pain and inflammation
~ Lowers C-reactive protein levels (which indicates an inflammation in the body)
~ Reduces symptoms of PMS
~ Treatment of adult ADHD
~ Krill Oil contains Vitamins A, D and E and a high level of Omega 3 fatty acids (good fat)

~ Some people I know have found it to be helpful with digestive/bowel issues

~ Krill Oil also contains Astaxanthin (an antioxidant not found in other fish oil, which apparently can also protect the skin against UV-induced skin damage [ !!! really ? how? ], amongst other healthy benefits).

~ The documentation that came with my bottle also says it has the potential to protect the brain, eye and central nervous system from free-radical damage (“potential” … not ‘PROVEN’, watch that marketing double-speak).What Krill Look Like

~ I also see one website stating that it helps with brain function and ‘could’ prevent dementia and cognitive decline.

So there ya go. A whole HOST of benefits.

And since my MOM (who, heartbreakingly, has MS) finds it helpful for some of her symptoms, and I trust HER opinion above everyone else about anything health related, I figured I should at least give it a go and see for myself what all the hub-bub is about before I throw it in the corner with the rest of the supplements I don’t believe in.

So, I’m taking it. For now:

Let’s see how it goes until my bottle is finished. I have LOW expectations so ANY kind of result will likely be a big deal to me.

I will say this, though: I’d really rather be eating Krill than taking supplements containing their oil.

But since they’re tiny, kinda spiny and don’t really look all that tasty, I’m not gonna battle to get my way on that one too hard. Although, does anyone out there know of any resources where I can buy it? Or any recipes to make it palatable?

Truthfully, if I could eat it RAW, that’s probably the BEST way to get the good stuff that’s in the Krill into ME, but seriously: BLECH! No thanks.

Now, I also happen to eat a lot of shrimp in my regular diet… which apparently ALSO contains Astaxanthin… and I get a lot of the other nutrition listed from my regular diet… so there’s a good chance I may not feel ANY difference while I’m taking Krill Oil. Like I said, this is an experiment.

I’m also a bit spooked about taking those gel-caps it comes in every day. What the hell is in those things? I’m sure my body isn’t gonna recognize it.

I’m almost hoping I DO wind up with no results, so I have a good excuse to stop taking it, and those gel-caps.

But anyway, like I also said: Let’s just see what happens.

I’ll make my final decision after 60 of these little gel-caps have been consumed and the bottle is empty. And I’ll also be back here to report it all to you!

But before I go LISTEN UP HERE … if you’re thinking about trying Krill Oil too, DO NOT BUY THE SUPER-CHEAP STUFF !!

Prograde Krill Oil - EFA

I’ve learned that you really do get what you pay for and since Dr. Oz started recommending this, there are a lot of suppliers suddenly cranking out cheap, but not pure, versions of Krill Oil.

If you genuinely want to experience the benefits that Krill Oil may provide, get it from a reputable supplier you can trust, otherwise you’re probably taking something that will give you a placebo effect, if anything.

I recommend getting it from Prograde Nutrition (cuz yes… they ARE trustworthy and reputable).

You can get it by clicking over to this page: Prograde EFA Icon Krill Oil

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.