Hey gang!

I’ve just got something quick to share with you today.

I went to my mailbox the other day and discovered the flyer pictured below.

When I first glanced at it, my first thought was “How weirdly appropriate of them to admit this and actually put it on their flyer“.

Then I realized that it did NOT, in fact, say “GRAVE” !!


Fast Food Can Kill You

It would have been funny if it DID say that though, don’t you think?

I mean, since choosing to eat fast food as a regular habit or a lifestyle is pretty much choosing to go to an early grave.

Don’t ‘Crave the Grave’ !

Choose whole, natural, healthy foods for your meals the MAJORITY OF THE TIME (and let ‘fast food’ like this be a rare exception to this rule) and you’re that much more likely to live a long, healthy and energetic life in a youthful, great looking body.

Just don’t step in front of any moving trains, okay?

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Kill Cravings