Hey Everyone…

I had an appointment with the Hand Specialist today.

I walked in there feeling a bit terrified he was going to tell me I needed some kind of surgery on my broken finger to correct whatever I’d let heal by itself this past month since I hurt it.

The good news is he says I get to keep the finger, no amputation necessary! LOL.

Plus a cute story about my adventures on the hill doing my hillsprints the other day and a quick catch up about the Meetup the other night…!!

Oh, and by the way, regarding my (yes, ok.. ROD’s) now world-famous Cottage Cheese Oatmeal Pancake Recipe, @Jay_Sherman on Twitter informs me that it rocks with banana and a little cinnamon whipped into the batter!!

I’ll be trying THAT combination next! Sounds fabulous.

And I’ve now been through a small stick of butter AND a small bottle of maple syrup all by myself, thanks to these pancakes.

Thankfully my metabolism is smokin’ high due to all my workout frenzies, otherwise I might be in a little trouble here.

But as long as I’m indulging in these tasty (but highly nutritious, albeit caloric) pancake treats, I know I have no excuse whatsoever to slack the daily workouts…!! HaHa. Dang!!

and as always, here’s our Workout Song of the Day:

KYLIE MINOGUE – Can’t Get You Out Of My Head

I know!! You guys are shocked aren’t you? It’s not in there with my usual angst-filled head-banging angry stuff… but I’m telling ya, this one is GREAT for running… the beat is the perfect rhythm for a running stride of a fairly good pace. Try it, you’ll see!!

Also, I’ve discovered a very cool fitness book that is in the throes of being revamped right now and is relaunching in about a month.

I have the inside track with the guys who are producing it to getting it before their official launch date… If you’re interested in getting it early too, you definitely need to see this page: The Adonis Golden Ratio (also currently mentioned over on the sidebar).

That’s it!!

You guys all have a fabulous weekend ok? It’s supposed to be sunny and warm here. Any guesses on where you’ll find me? (yah, the beach… duh! LOL)
