If you’re still working out how to get those New Years weight loss and better fitness Resolutions to become reality and not just another “tossed aside until next year” wish, then good for you.

Far too many have given up by now.

But WAIT. Anaylysis Paralysis

Are you so new at the game of fitness and don’t quite know where to start?

So stumped, in fact, that you’ve been spending time avoiding even starting?

Or so confused that you’re avoiding starting because you don’t want to look stupid at the gym?

Or hurt yourself with improper form?

Or waste your own time and make no progress because you’re doing all the wrong things? And just don’t know what the ‘right things’ are?

So instead of actually working out have you been spending all your time looking things up and researching every fitness subject known to mankind?

Getting as much information as possible?

Listening to everyone who professes to be a ‘fitness guru’ or ‘nutrition guru’ or ‘wellness guru’?

Spending money like mad on resources and books and manuals and … and … and … ???

Well STOP !!

Stop starting … well stop starting THIS way … because THIS way is no way to start.

Are you in a complete state of “Analysis Paralysis”?

Too much information coming at you from too many directions saying too many different and contradictory things is not going to do you any service whatsoever. What it will MOST likely do is cause you to throw up your hands and just walk away in frustration and confusion.

And by the way, here’s a newsflash: not everyone out there handing out information is even a reliable source of information. Anyone who knows how to throw up a website can throw out any information they want and call it ‘health and fitness advice’ regardless of their education or background.

Which means you may never pick up a dumbbell or hit the running path for a walk before you give up in disgust, feeling down on yourself and like the biggest dumbbell of them all.

So stop what you’re doing and get smarter about it by cutting out all the over-researching.

You might even want to take a step back and ask yourself if maybe you aren’t actually just procrastinating, looking for ways to NOT have to get on with the actual process of getting in shape, which does take actual WORK.

Some people will do anything to get out of work. Even subconscious self-sabotage like ‘researching’ instead of ‘doing’.

But there is no easy fix, my friend. The only way to get what you want is to work for it. Not read about it … WORK for it.

The very best thing you can do to get started is pick the ONE thing you want MOST to accomplish and make that your SINGULAR goal. Make a Decision

Want to lose weight? Never mind building a body of solid steel first, concentrate on getting that fat off first.

And then just TAKE that first small step towards that one goal.

I’m not saying to read that first book, I’m saying take the first step of ACTION.


The road to success can only be traveled by taking that first step, right?

So, head to a professional gym and talk to a personal trainer about what your best course of action for realizing YOUR personal and specific and biggest goal is.

Then take their advice.

Go do what they tell you it takes, because that’s what they’re there for. It’s their JOB to give you the RIGHT advice to make your fitness goals a reality.

And for pete’s sakes stop being a victim of “Analysis Paralysis”, admit it’s actually procrastination on your part …

… like Nike says “Just DO It“.

If you genuinely feel stumped by “Analysis Paralysis” and a commercial gym just isn’t for you, feel free to head over to my Coaching page.

I’ll help you make total sense of it all, and get you pointed firmly in the right direction towards making your goals a reality.

==> Online Fitness Coaching with Jackie

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.