Good GAWD! I think it must have been a special “Boneheads Day” in the gym today.

WHY WHY WHY are some people such MORONS when they’re in the gym?


Rude, inconsiderate, self-involved JERKS!

YEP!! You guessed it.

A trip to a commercial gym today gives me yet another good reason to want to RANT and get a BUNCH of stuff off my chest.

Care to unburden me?

One good thing about boneheads like that is that they were my inspiration for learning how to get RIPPED at home, without ever stepping foot in a commercial gym or having to put up with the likes of them. Bonehead

They’re ALSO one of the inspirations for why I’m writing my book.

No one needs to put up with that idiocy just to get in shape.


It can all be done at home and I’m gonna bust out all the details about exactly how I did it then … and maintain it now.

It’s a lot of work and I’m getting there. The writing part is done but I still have a few more things to do before it’s ready, so please be patient!

And no, I don’t have any fancy graphics for it to excite you with yet … that’s next on the list after I finish editing. Trust me, writing a book is a TON of work! LOL

Keep watching this website for updates.

OR – If you want to be one of the VERY first to know when my book is available, make sure you head up to the top right corner of the sidebar on this page and sign up for my INNER SANCTUM NEWSLETTER.

My treasured friends in my INNER SANCTUM will be THE very first to know, so if you want to be one of them, get your name in there NOW!

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Anabolic Cooking for Fat Loss