I’m back!

From my holidays, I mean.

I was up visiting my folks for a few days.

Six, to be exact.

We had a great time hanging out in the sunshine and swimming in the ocean at my folk’s seaside cabin (when it didn’t rain, that is, which it mostly didn’t but we did get one bummer day).

Calories Count When Trying To Stay Slim

But, in that time we ate clean, whole, natural foods and cooked for ourselves over 90% of the time.

I still gained 4 lbs.


And here the ‘gurus’ out there are saying if you eat clean you don’t need to worry about calories.

And they’re saying that if you eat whole, natural, healthy foods at least 80% of the time, your calories will take care of themselves.

So, why did I gain 4 lbs in six short days if I was eating the way they say I should even MORE often than they advise?

This little recap of my trip should shed some light on it:

I don’t care what the ‘gurus’ say.


I just spent 6 days proving them wrong.

Even if all you eat for 100% of the time is whole, natural, healthy foods, but you eat TOO MANY CALORIES worth of that kind of food, you WILL gain weight.

I’m living proof.

Keep this in mind next time you hear a guru tell you that you don’t have to worry about calories as long as you eat ‘clean’.

It’s absolute B*LLSH*T !! <-- truth

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Metabolic Cooking for Fat Loss