Posts Tagged ‘Mike Geary’

THIS Is Why We Are Obese!!

We are ultimately responsible for our own health. But when we’re being marketed to like THIS, it’s easy to see why we’re becoming a nation of fat, unhealthy junk food junkies.

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Which is Healthier? HFCS or Corn Sugar?

If you had to choose between eating “High Fructose Corn Syrup” or “Corn Sugar”, which would you choose? Which one sounds healthier? Which one IS healthier? Hoo boy, is the answer going to surprise you!!

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Healthy Chocolate Pudding… with Avocado?!

At long last, I reveal the recipe for ULTRA-HEALTHY, FAT-BURNING (not to mention DELICIOUS) “Avocado Chocolate Pudding” (and where I found it).. if you are into tasty healthy eating this is a ‘must try’.

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