In this fast-paced and time-starved world, I don’t always get enough sleep. I’ll bet you don’t always either.

However, sleep IS important to good health and fitness. I keep saying this: “Rest and recovery are important“. Sleep is part of that.

No Alarm, Sleep In

Rest and recovery are not just about sitting around resting your muscles from hard workouts. It’s about getting enough sleep at night, too.

So, on the weekends to make up for my lack of sleep during the week, I usually celebrate what I like to call “No Alarm Day“.

I just let myself sleep until I wake up on my own, no alarm.

I love it.

This past weekend I shocked even myself by waking up at 11:30am (and still feeling like I could have slept even longer if not for the guilt of having been asleep until that late)…

And no, I didn’t feel groggy as a result. I understand some do.

What about you?

So? Do you get enough sleep?

How much DO you consider “enough”?

What if you don’t get enough? How do you cope?

What if you get too much? Does it make you feel groggy?

Leave a comment below … I really want to know …

And in the meantime…

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Fat Burning Kitchen