Hoo Boy!

Last night was a big night.

I’m hurtin’ today (yes, I’m human, I have some hideously HUGE cheat days sometimes, too) …

The menu at the event I attended last night was pre-determined and dictated to the attendees … I HAD to eat their deep-fried food or I could choose to starve.Lemon Chicken Chinese Food

So I ate deep-fried food. EEEK.

And to cap it off, I ate WAAAAAAAY too much of it !!!

(what the hell, sometimes you just gotta live a little, right?)

Luckily I have JUST the trick to counter-act that kinda action to keep myself on track and not sabotage my goals.

I won’t gain an ounce from this big ol’ cheat night. I can guarantee it.

I’ve practiced Intermittent Fasting for a long time now.

Eat Stop EatIt’s the SIMPLEST way I’ve found yet to enjoy the decadence of the holidays and other big events but come out at the other end of it all without having sabotaged all my goals.

Brad Pilon outlines the benefits and dispels the myths surrounding the practice of Intermittent Fasting in his book Eat Stop Eat.

Plus, he shows you how to do it the easiest way possible.

Get through the holidays unscathed!

Pick up Eat Stop Eat and learn how now, before the big eating days are upon us!

==> Click Here to Check Out “Eat Stop Eat” by Brad Pilon

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.