We made it!

Here we are at the last episode of the “Tour Of My Kitchen” Series!

Inside My Cupboard

Why am I dragging you through my kitchen like this?

Glad you asked!

Since I just went grocery shopping and my kitchen is fully stocked with all the good stuff I usually buy and eat to keep me lean and energized without feeling hungry or deprived, I thought it would be a good time to welcome you into the kitchen so you can check it all out for yourself.

Did you catch the first three episodes?

First we wandered through my fridge in “What’s In My Fridge?” …

… then we peered into my freezer in “What’s In My Freezer?” …

… then we took a look at my countertops and shelves in “What’s On My Shelves?” … (are you seeing a trend with the titles yet? lol)

… and today we explore what’s in that last cupboard we didn’t quite get to in the last post.

And then that’s it, you are officially being released into the wilds of your own supermarket to get shopping for the GOOD stuff, and avoid the rest.

Ready? Can you hear the cupboard doors creaking open now?

Here we go:

I know I mentioned a bunch of recipes during all that and I don’t want to leave you dangling with questions about how to whip them up for yourself.

So here’s the links to other blog posts from days gone by where I talk about these awesome, yummy and healthy recipes:

Here’s where you’ll find the ingredients list for my delicious, guilt-free Taco Salad.

And here are all the posts that explain how to create all those healthy oatmeal recipes …

~ Cottage Cheese Oatmeal Pancakes
~ Oatmeal and Peanut Butter
~ Oatmeal with Eggs and Honey
~ Oatmeal with Cinnamon and Walnuts

You can order yourself some of those super-healthy and delicious protein bars by “Dale’s” that I mentioned over at this page: Dale’s All-Natural Protein Bars

Plus, there’s lots of other stuff I WASN’T able to show you (because they’re seasonal, or I just didn’t pick some up on this particular shopping trip).

Most of these foods are vegetation. But a girl can only keep so much FRESH stuff on hand at once, or too much of it goes bad before it can be eaten.

So, while I’m guilty of going crazy at the produce market on more than the rare occasion, I try to remember to stay in control most times, so I’m not forced to throw out food that’s gone bad or eat food that’s just on the verge of turning.

Produce items I also eat a lot of that I couldn’t show you on this kitchen tour include:

Kale, yams, gooseberries, papaya, mango, fresh raspberries, blackberries and blueberries, nectarines, apricots, strawberries and pomegranates (and if you avoid anti-oxidant-filled, super-healthy pomegranates because they’re such a mess to peel, then see this post for an easy way to peel those suckers: How To Peel A Pomegranate).



The tour of MY kitchen is finished. But what about YOUR kitchen?

It’s time to take a grown-up look at what’s in your fridge, freezer, shelves and cupboards and get tough with yourself about what should be thrown away and what healthy items are missing and should be stocked up on, yes?

Fat Burning KitchenThe BEST resource to go for the BEST advice about how to overhaul your kitchen and turn it into a FAT BURNING KITCHEN like mine is to go straight to the AUTHORITY:

Get yourself a copy of “The Fat Burning Kitchen” by Mike Geary and Cat Ebeling, and start your kitchen overhaul TODAY!

Find out more about it here: The Fat Burning Kitchen Guide

And have FUN throwing out the BAD and getting stocked up on the GOOD!

Then you can look forward to chowing down on the many yummy, guilt-free, lean-body meals you can make for yourself that actually HELP you lose fat!

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.